Association " The Wings of Hope " is a public benefit organisation. The activities are focused on the integration of people with disabilities and mental disorders into society, the protection of rights and interests, and the promotion of employment and social inclusion.   

  "We can all find ourselves in situations where we need to ask others for help. Let's open our hearts, think of our fellow human beings and share the joy as much as we can!"

   - Eva Viļķina, founder and Manager of the Association " The Wings of Hope " and the social enterprise "Visi Var".

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The day-to-day activities of the association are focused on:

  • the integration of persons with disabilities and their families into society;
  • the protection of the rights and interests of persons with disabilities;
  • improving the social well-being of poor and socially vulnerable groups;
  • promoting social inclusion;
  • the development of civil society;
  • promoting employment for socially disadvantaged groups;
  • organising educational activities;
  • the provision of social services;
  • implementing projects of social relevance;
  • development of voluntary work.       


Day care centres and social rehabilitation for persons with mental disorders (MD) and disabilities

The service enables persons with MD to be in the community, to learn the skills necessary for everyday life, and for their support persons (family members) to integrate into work and social life. The service includes: 

  •   psychosocial counselling;
  •   counselling by a social worker;
  •   counselling by a psychologist;
  •   psychosocial support groups;
  •   educational lectures;
  •   speech therapist;
  •   physiotherapist;
  •   creative activities;
  •   art therapy;
  •   sand therapy;
  •   music therapy;
  •   music classes;
  •   animal therapy;
  •   light theatre classes;
  •   dance and movement classes. 

Day care centre for children with functional disabilities (FD)

The service enables children with FD to be active in the community and enables their parents to enter the labour market. Aim: to provide social care and social rehabilitation services for children with FD, as well as the acquisition, development and maintenance of social skills, educational and meaningful leisure-time activities.

Specialised workshops for persons with MD and disabilities

The client has the opportunity to work in the specialised workshops of the association. In addition, if necessary, the client is provided with supervision, care support, counselling by a social work specialist.

Workshops offered: candle and soap workshop, materials technology and design workshop, weaving workshop, home and cooking workshop, woodworking workshop, sewing workshop, pastry workshop, knitting workshop, gardening workshop, ceramics workshop, tile mosaic workshop, handicraft workshop.

Group homes (apartments) for persons with MD

Housing for people with MD who have difficulties living independently but do not need to be in a long-term social care and social rehabilitation institution (nursing home). 

Social rehabilitation services for children with disabilities and functional impairments and adults with mental disorders

A set of measures to restore, improve and maintain social functioning in situations where, due to some circumstances, social functioning has been affected - impaired, lost or not developed in some areas. It is implemented in the form of various counselling, classes, therapies and support groups. Children are offered short-term babysitting along with social rehabilitation services.

Family assistant service for persons with MD, families and young people after out-of-family care

The service is provided to a person or a family whose ability to function socially and to integrate into society is impaired due to social, mental and physical disabilities.

The service provides support with social skills, child care and upbringing, leisure activities and various household issues according to an individually designed social rehabilitation plan. 

The service is provided to families with children who lack social skills; persons with MD who need to learn social skills; young people who start independent life after out-of-family care in an institution. 

"Home care" service for children with functional disabilities

The service provides care and supervision of the child in the child's place of residence if the parents cannot provide it themselves due to work or other commitments.

Individual social rehabilitation programme 

A set of measures (specialist advice and activities) to provide psychosocial support to a person with MD and his/her family members, according to the individual needs of the person. It takes into account an assessment of the person's social situation and social functioning, social problems, possible solutions to the problems and the objectives of social rehabilitation. 

"Moment of respite"

A short-term social care service for a person with functional disabilities living in a family, replacing family members during the care process. The service is provided around the clock on the premises of the service provider.


Shared activities, traditions and celebrations bring the team together and foster loyalty to the workplace. After motivating events, we go back to our work with even more energy, which is essential for social work! 

It has become a tradition to have a tea breaks together on weekday mornings, where colleagues have the opportunity to learn about the work of the association and other news, as well as to get to know each other better, to improve mutual cooperation. Tea breaks are held at all the Society's service points at the same time.

As the range of services and service locations of the Society expands, regular exchange visits to colleagues and mutual exchanges of experience take place. 

Together with our children and "young people" - service recipients, we celebrate the festivals of the seasons - Easter, Midsummer, Christmas and others. In this way we learn about traditions and develop skills in decorating, setting the table, preparing meals and other areas of daily life.  

We have started a tradition of celebrating the opening day, the first year and the five-year anniversary of each group home with a beautiful feast. 

Our first group home, “THE HOME OF HOPE”, hosts an annual "Garden Party" where staff and young people from all services are welcome, as well as our supporters and partners. 

Every year, it is customary to thank employees for their hard work, as this shows that the employer recognises its importance and value in achieving common goals. For their contribution to the work they do on a voluntary basis, each individual is specially thanked.  

At the end of the year, the Association organises a celebration event where employees are recognised for their contribution and respectful attitude in providing quality services to people with disabilities through volunteering and other activities.

Every summer, the head of the association organises a surprise trip of several days to one of the most beautiful places in Latvia. 

We believe that a positive workplace environment helps in the long term to achieve work goals!